Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Having a chit-chat with MRFRESH2DEF

By: Tebele LK

Joshua Ndabezitha
  We all see him as a student in Tshwane University of Technology Soshanguve campus but the young hungry brain Mandla Joshua Ndabezitha has found a way of making rapping a reality in his life.

Mandla Joshua Ndabezitha was born on woman's day 09th of August 1991 in one of the Suburb of Bronkhorspruit in  Gauteng province.
Joshua started rapping and making beats at the age  of 18 years while doing grade 12 in Hoerskool Erasmus high school in Bronkhorspruit in 2009. He sings with his group by the name Rebel 1.0 and later renamed  Sons of mars.
Together with his group they released a mix tape  called Rebele 1.0 with exclusive hits like Young black and gifted and Yes I'm gone. Ndabezitha is living his dream  and fulfill  by balancing between music and his studies " Public relations at Tshwane University of Technology Soshanguve campus.
MJ Ndabezitha better known as “Mrfresh2def” in the campus already made his dream a reality of performing his mix tapes for the students in the campus during ceremonies, dramas and many other campus life duties of students.
This year  this young gifted  star is going for a solo mix tape " All me everyday"  that is going to be based about his daily life as a student  of Tut Soshanguve and also in his home hood in Bronkhorspruit.
The 21 year old Joshua also took his music to the next level for every South Africans to view, comment, share, download and listen to his mix tapes from one of the best young internet website that helps young youngsters to live their dream by the name of Reverb nation.
Joshua also known as Mrfresh2def shared a music live stage in the campus with the likes of S'fiso also known as Chris as part of experiencing collaboration together for the students of Tshwane University of Technology.
Even though  Joshua's parents don't support his talent of rapping as they think that it will jeopardize his studies but Mrfresh2def this year wants to prove them wrong and make his talent of rapping and making beats and perform well in his educational studies.
Rapper Joshua Ndabezitha also share some secret tips about his life and rapping and how does it affects him in his daily life as a human being he explains that rapping is pain but beneficial if you love it.

Q :Who is Mrfresh2def?
A: Mrfresh2def  is an upcoming rapper to be recognised in the country and soon worldwide and I'm from Bronkhorspruit in Gauteng province.
Q :What motivated you to start rapping as your talent?
A: Uhm all I can say is that what motivates me into rapping is because of the love of music and the  potential that I have in me.
Q : When did you start rapping?
A: I started rapping at the age of 18 years of age while I was doing Grade 12 in Hoerskool Erasmus high school in Bronkhorspruit.
Q: Does rapping affect your studies in anyhow?
A: It doesn't at all because I can both manage my rapping and my studies and also if you love what you do, there's nothing that can in any chance disturb you.
Q: What do your parents say about your rapping?
A: My parents especially my  father doesn't like the idea  for the fact that I'm rapping because he thinks that it is going to disturb my studies that he put his faith in it and also he thinks that rapping is for gangsters whereby it will lead you to drugs.
Q: Who is your inspirational artist in hip hop?
A: For me as a young rapper I don't have an inspirational artist because in music you can say Chris Brown is your inspirational artist but to find out that he sings Rnb and later goes to electro music whereby you get confused so music is all about adapting.
Q: How can you say about pre and modern hip hop?
A: In pre-hip hop rappers were rapping about struggles, politics, racism etc because they were affecting their lives so it is embodied in hip hop. In modern hip hop all I can say that they hardly rap about politics but rap about money, gals and splashy cars that affects them in any way.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years to come with your rapping career?
A: In five years I'm thinking ahead of myself because I wanna see my music signed to a record label and also use my PR knowledge to apply them to run my errands.
Q: Any secret recipe information you like to add to readers about Mrfresh2def?
A: Actually is not a secret but as my birthday describe it, I'm a ladies man so I love ladies....shares his laugh with the interviewer during the interview.

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